Geospatial Intelligence and Policy Innovation

Analyze satellite data to generate maps, reports, and geospatial models that inform environmental policy decisions and support conservation efforts.

📌 Example Use Cases

Urban Air Pollution Heatmap

Uses satellite-based NO₂ and PM2.5 concentration data to identify pollution hotspots and propose mitigation measures.

Drought Risk Assessment Map

Integrates EO-derived soil moisture data with rainfall anomalies to support early drought response.

Mangrove Ecosystem Health Analysis

Uses EO-based vegetation indices to assess mangrove degradation and recommend conservation strategies.

Illegal Mining Detection Map

Employs EO-based spectral analysis to identify unregulated mining activities and their environmental impact.

Climate Migration Predictive Model

Uses historical EO-based climate trends to assess population displacement risks due to environmental changes.

Urban Sprawl Impact Report

Analyzes EO-based land-use changes to recommend policies for sustainable city expansion and green space preservation.

Wetland Conservation Priority Map

Identifies critical wetlands using SAR satellite data and proposes conservation zones to protect biodiversity.

Groundwater Depletion Risk Assessment

Combines GRACE satellite data and well-level IoT sensors to map aquifer stress and recommend extraction limits.

Invasive Species Spread Model

Uses multispectral imagery to track invasive plant species (e.g., water hyacinth) and prioritize eradication efforts.

Artisanal Mining Impact Dashboard

Maps illegal mining sites via high-resolution EO data and proposes rehabilitation strategies for degraded land.

Malaria Outbreak Prediction Tool

Correlates satellite vegetation/rainfall data with IoT mosquito trap counts to forecast disease hotspots and allocate health resources.

Carbon Footprint Tracker for Cities

Displays urban carbon emissions using satellite CO2 maps and IoT air quality sensors, with recommendations for green policies.


Have an innovative idea that combines Earth Observation data with interactive visualization? We welcome your creative solutions!

📌 Submission Requirements

  • 🔹A web-based interactive visualization or dashboard showcasing your geospatial analysis
  • 🔹Documentation of data sources, processing methods, and policy recommendations
  • 🔹A 5-minute video demonstrating your solution's features and potential impact